Bitcoin mining ASIC

Now that we’ve opened up sales for our new Yoli Evo Mining boards, and the Sierra Evo 3 (which includes three of the boards), we wanted to give you a closer look at what makes the boards so exceptional, and how they differ from previous generations and the existing competition.

The new Yoli Evo Mining Boards are much more flexible than our traditional rigs. In addition to including them in the new Sierra Evo 3, we’re also letting you buy the boards directly. This allows miners to customize the power supply, cooling system and the controller to better maximize efficiency. We know that miners are endlessly inventive, and we look forward to seeing what you come up with.

As for the boards themselves, here are few small stats that mean a lot:

Even at 675 Gh/s, one Evo board is 70% faster than our fastest competitor’s single board. The HashFast Golden Nonce chip has recorded speeds of up to 800 Gh/s, so there’s even greater potential for experienced miners.

Take a look at our initial mining test pool & CGMiner stats here:

HashFast Evo products are scheduled to ship in April, two months ahead of the closest competitor’s projected delivery date.

HashFast’s Evo boards target 0.67 Watts per gigahash, at $2.81 per gigahash. Not only are we more efficient than most competitors, we give you a better return. The few machines that boast a slightly lower watt per gigahash are set to ship much later than we are.

To all our miners, current and future, we thank you for believing in us. While our competitors struggle to even deliver a stable 28nm chip, the Golden Nonce is hashing at speeds almost double theirs, while still leading the industry in power efficiency. In a few days, we’ll be putting out a link so that you can watch the Evo boards hash in real time, see the mining pool statistics and the power being used at the wall. In the meantime, we have some great screenshots of cgminer and the mining pool for a Yoli Evo Mining Board running at 975 MHz. Rest assured that as long as you continue to mine, we’ll continue to innovate.

And as always, feel free to contact our support staff with any questions about the boards and the new Sierra.

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