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AMD's Fusion Developer Summit is being held in Bellevue, Wash. June 11 – 14, 2012

AMD has announced the direction of AFDS, or AMD Fusion Developer Summit. AMD plans for the second annual summit to focus on “next generation software developments, heterogeneous computing and programming methods using industry-standard application programming interfaces such as OpenCL, Microsoft DirectCompute, and C++ AMP”.

AMD’s three-day summit, which will be held in June, will be focused to further cloud technology using parallel computing and more efficient programming. As seen earlier this month, AMD is focusing on server and cloud computing technology using its APU Fusion processors.

“The second annual AFDS will bring together top minds from the developer and computing communities as we focus on making heterogeneous computing accessible to mainstream developers and improving new end user experiences” says Manju Hegde, corporate vice president, Content, Applications and Solutions at AMD. In the future, rather than servers consuming thousands of watts the APU powered servers will only consume hundreds.

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