1. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-E8p_6e0LYHE/Ubf5-5apGLI/AAAAAAAAA-Q/nQuKOm817d0/s200/Bitcoin+won't+hide+you+from+the+NSA's+prying+eye+-+New+Bitcoin+World,+Latest+Bitcoin+News,+Free+Bitcoins+info,+ASIC+Mining+Info,+Bitcoin+videos.jpg => уже была
  2. http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-pZk0xramSrU/UYQqJoIUpzI/AAAAAAAAATY/w9IDURtUnnk/s300/Awesome%2BInformation%2Band%2BNews%2Babout%2BBitcoin%252C%2BLitecoin%2Band%2Bother%2BCrypto%2BCurrencies.%2BTons%2Bof%2Bdaily%2BMind-blowing%2Bnews%2Barticles%252C%2Bvideos%2Band%2Bupdates%2Bon%2BBitcoin%2Bmining%2Band%2BASIC.%2BAlso%2Bhow%2Bto%2Bget%2Bfree%2BBitcoins..jpg => маленькая (175x175)
  3. http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-SVYjEwYKThU/UXB-2czQyfI/AAAAAAAAAFw/tcd5mPn337c/s1600/Mining+Bitcoin+Gold+Viral+Info+Get+Rich.jpg =>
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Bitcoin Mining Info | Coins charts hash

Bitcoin Mining Info

Mycelium is a successful Bitcoin wallet that allows you to send and receive Bitcoins via your mobile phone. Now, the company has launched a new feature called Local Trader. This features looks to make the acquisition and sale of the crypto currency even more hassle-free than before for existing users.

Local Trader lets Bitcoin buyers and sellers who are close to each other to transact. Trades made are done person-to-person using Bitcoin. Customers who use the feature are able to make “geographically pinned sell orders” where they can sell at a chosen exchange rate. Buyers can search for sellers geographically and/or scout for the best deals available close to them.

Mycelium made a recent announcement on Reddit that said, “All trades use in-app end-to-end encrypted chat between the buyer and seller. Not even the Local Trader servers can read the contents.” When the price is fully negotiated, the buyer and seller can meet at the place of their convenience, and the transaction will then go through.

Local Trader will use a “confidence graph” and will then “[display] the probability that the transaction that sends coins to the buyer’s wallet will get included in the next block.” Mycelium servers then track the transaction as it spreads through thousands of nodes, in addition to checking it for possible double-spends, transaction malleability, long chains of unconfirmed inputs, the correct transaction fees and other possible scenarios that may arise. This ensures that traders will be able to exchange cash and feel secure that the transaction was legitimate, without having to wait for a confirmation.

Reminder: The problems of Bitcoin

2013-11-17 09:42:06 by Urban_Redneck

- Weak/confusing denominations
- Costs to spend/send/merge bitcoin. Not instantaneous AND free.
- Not useful for conventional transactions
a) Backing up frequently after purchases
b) Small purchases
c) Not widely accepted
d) Each purchase requires a unique Bitcoin address issued to customer (for security)
e) Commercial Prices require frequent fluctuations to match BTC value
f) Returns: Same as prices, Transaction Fees
g) No chargebacks: Payments can't be reversed
- Conversions to other currencies subject to daily/monthly limits
- Lost Bitcoins = Double Whammy

Florida bans Bitcoin – Wallets, mining rigs and

2014-01-05 23:29:58 by oh-yee-uh_SHIMMY-DOO-BOP

"Florida bans Bitcoin – Wallets, mining rigs and clients are now illegal to use
- get caught mining bitcoin -- GO TO FREAKING JAIL
- tell Don Mattrick you're sorry for fugging up our ZNGA and "you'll never interfere with Zynga's business, employees, proprietary business strategies, customers, officers and investors, EVER again."
"Florida has just passed a bill that bans the use of Bitcoin including Bitcoin wallets, rigs and clients.
After the bill was passed, almost 1000 online internet cafes shut down immediately."


The Problems with Bitcoin: Revised List

2013-09-09 08:28:44 by Urban_Redneck

- Weak/confusing denominations
- Costs money to spend money, not exactly free (exchange/transaction fees)
- Not useful for conventional transactions
a) Backing up constantly after buying/selling
b) Small purchases
c) Not widely accepted
- Commercial prices require frequent fluctuations to match BTC value
- Conversions to other currencies subject to daily/monthly limits
- Lost Bitcoins=Double Whammy "Consider it a donation to all other bitcoin users."
(26,600 BTC have already been lost/"destroyed" and counting)
- Requires Internet, even with offline transactions
- Mining is:
a) resource-hungry (Blockchain

There was a post a while back about it

2012-07-23 10:52:39 by seenub4

Here's the post,the replies were swept away in the isle. Not much info but a little.
plm Anyone Mine Bitcoins? < Noforestonlytrees > 2012-06-18 01:29:03
I was thinking that when 25 BTC is given out instead of the current 50, prices are going to initially double. Then equilibrium will set in and prices will stabilize. I think that the small miners will drop out of the market and only efficient mining rigs will be able to sustain operations. My prediction is that miners are saving their bitcoins for the big sell off once 25 btc are given per block. Unless there are more services that invest in btc, the equilibrium price is around $5 per bitcoin

Bitcoin mining Linux

Bitcoin mining 64 bit

Bitcoin mining AMD Fusion

Bitcoin mining AMD GPU

Bitcoin mining ASIC