Bitcointalk Avalon

UPDATE (June 6, 2013): Yifu Guo (BitSyncom) provided a response on called and woke me up in the middle of the night for this, so I’ll keep it short.

1a. see the conference video, I thought that’s an update; for the lazy

1b. also got cornered after the panel and somebody took this :

2. an update incoming in < 1 week, pretty exciting.

3. we fully understand there is problems with orders ( no way?! )
- we can not address these issues IF WE DO NOT SOLVE OUR PRODUCTION ISSUE then we can not DELIVER at all.

- so until that happens, get all your information ready and bump the ticket if it makes you feel better, or just wish to complain and blow off some steam. ( please do not create new ones though, usually looking at the support system ticket insolvency merging at least 5-6 other ones first… ).

4. this forum is a giant waste of time, get back to coding, go outside, hug your mother, do something,

lastly, food for though:

who says we control that address in the first place?
Concern is starting to grow over the possibility that Avalon ASIC may be a scam. According to a post by member “photon, ” the company’s lack of communication in light of multiple delays and unresolved orders raises some suspicion:

- Batch 1 Avalons still not all delivered, no response from Bitsyncom

- Batch 1 badly damaged Avalon, Bitsyncom replied to say “that’s unfortunate, we will work out a solution to ship this one back and send you another.” and then no follow-up or response from Bitsyncom for over 50 days and counting.

- Batch 2 Avalons significantly delayed and still not all delivered, no response from Bitsyncom

- Batch 3 Avalons not delivered at all, no updates from Bitsyncom

- Avalon ASIC chip purchases started over 7 weeks ago and no sample chips in sight, no updates from Bitsyncom despite Avalon website stating “30 sample chips will be provided 4 weeks into ordering per 10, 000 chips.”

Of all the Avalon ASIC chip group buys, no one has heard a single word from Bitsyncom about the sample chips

- Zefir’s Batch 8 Avalon ASIC chip purchase issue has not be resolved or even addressed by Bitsyncom, resulting in ~$93, 000 of the community’s money being received by Avalon but no confirmation of the order given by their order system. No response from Bitsyncom for over 6 weeks.

At this point, there is no good excuse for the lack of communication on his part, especially considering the amount of money this community has spent to purchase his goods. These aren’t technical support issues, either.

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