Bitcoin Talk down

How Bitcoin Could Develop the Developing World

By Michael Magan Much of the media focus on our fledgling currency has been on its western markets. The discussion frequently revolves around the U.S. Market when the U.S. accounts for only 4.5% of the world's population and only about 2.1% of the estimated world GDP. Bitcoin- and cryptocurrency in general- is slated to draw the curtains on the biggest financial revolution the world has seen... and the main stage lies in the developing world. In 2012 alone there were 29 countries that experienced greater than 10% inflation and 8 of those countries experienced over 20%. These statistics can be misleading because there are many countries that have experienced hyper-inflation. Brazil, Argentina, Nicaragua, Peru, Yugoslavia, Zaire and Zimbabwe have experienced hyper-inflation rates of over 1, 000% or more a year during the past 40 years- Zimbabwe being the most recent. At its peak it took a little over 24 hours for the prices to double. Notwithstanding that, many of these countries have severe restrictions on financial mobility. Access to banks and other secure ways of storing money are limited. Corruption in the legal system is not only rampant but well-known and expected. Government control of the currency in many countries is not blessing but a curse... leaving many people with little to none of the recourse afforded to those in the "developed" world.Image credit: Flickr om than they had ever experienced previously. Financial security and freedom world allow people to save and invest in their future, luxuries currently afforded to only a fraction of the world's population. Bitcoin's payment network provides a secure and frictionless mechanism for international exchange of wealth. Bitcoin's cryptography creates- for anyone with minimal access to electronics- a theoretically unbreakable safe to store their accrued wealth. As a deflationary currency, Bitcoin encourages savings and will never suffer from over-eager government printing presses. The Bitcoin revolution has so much more to offer to the bottom half of the worlds population than the top half. This is not to say that Bitcoin won't positively affect the U.S. Economy as well, but that it will be much more life-changing for someone who lives in Argentina or Zimbabwe.

Bitcoin is a securities, more like a penny stock

2014-03-25 06:14:05 by Bobosayshello

What happens if you buy low and sell high?
And you can't hide either, your internet service provider will track down your online activities and report it to the IRS.
For all the talk about virtual currency, you would have been better off with a pre-paid credit card.
BUT BUT BUT, that doesn't appreciate in vallue??? WELL.....that's why you do not own a currency as a bitcrap bag holder, what you got there is a bonna fide good ol run of the mill highly speculatitve piece of junk you might call a scam but you can also call a penny stock

$4.1m goes missing as Chinese bitcoin trading pl

2013-11-11 22:23:42 by atform-vanishes

Heard of any banks 'vanishing' lately? The ole brick and mortar.
"$4.1m goes missing as Chinese bitcoin trading platform GBL vanishes" Published on November 11, 2013 at 17:15 GMT
"GBL, a Chinese bitcoin trading platform that claimed to be based in Hong Kong, recently shut down – an event that might not be worthy of note had ¥25m ($4.1m) worth of users’ money not disappeared with it.
"The company appears to have launched in May 2013, with its domain registered on 9th May and a post later that month by Bitcoin Talk forum user zhaoxianpeng promoting the site."

Again, what part of "the Chinese people's inter

2013-12-08 15:11:04 by net-access-is-monitored

Do you not understand?
Are you such a deeply disturbed idiot, over your love for bitcoin, that you believe Chinese citizens have free, unfettered access to the global internet and are not constantly monitored by their government?
Are you on freaking mushrooms or acid?
You're so freaking stupid, I've just got to tell everyone how dumb you are. Stand by, you had this coming, I find your lack of smarminess disturbing:
China Internet Censorship
China Cracks Down On 'Jihad' Talk Online
Reuters | Posted 12.08.2013
h ttp://www

We talk about coffee, no big whoop

2014-01-30 23:05:58 by Kuawfee-Tawk

Look here's the deal.
Just yesterday, we had an astonishingly intricate discussion of WAGE $55 Feb. 2014 call options.
There's a guy on here named Schmul who used to run a hedge fund, and a real ladies man. He's apparently made a fortune on his wit. And he holds a huge gain in ORCL, ZNGA, the QQQ, and is a stellar hobby chef of cajun wambeaux-jambeaux.
HOW MANY MONEY FORUMS HAVE AN EX-HEDGE FUND MANAGER WHO COMES ON REGULARLY and surprises people with his down-home, disarmingly unassuming presence? I mean the guy is *out there* with his genius, and apparently is humble, retreating and very admirable down

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