Bitcoin 30-Day

3-Day chart of Bitcoins as of .It’s been several months since I last posted anything about BitCoins but let’s be honest, they didn’t give me much reason to write anything. That is, until October rolled around and the new normal quickly went from a tepid range of $70-$120 per bitcoin (BTC) to a staggering $500-$800 range just over the last 7 days. How? Why??? The New Yorker wrote a good piece about it lately identifying the main culprit for the spike to be the newly minted monster exchange called BTC China which has overtaken the undisputed giant Mt. Gox in a short period of time. Piled on top of this is our own US Congress dictating that they are mulling over the use of BitCoins as a legal form of currency (as it isn’t already) and expand it’s use throughout the USA.BitCoin 30-day chart as of gest but like any rapidly rising commodity/currency, there is always room for an equally rapid fall. Be cautious buying at these prices. Check out my charts below:

Based on this chart, I would stay far away from buying BitCoins regardless of my intent of what I will do with it, chaos abounds.

This is a 30-day chart, notice the trendline would have only pegged each BTC at roughly over $450, this is where I think it should be even factoring in the sudden spike in demand from China after weeding out global speculation.

Now here is insanity. This chart is only using a 6 month time horizon but it already looks eerily similar to that of a penny stock that just got pumped up by a massive spam email campaign. This is the scariest chart to me telling me to stay out of this if you are a new bitcoin buyer. If you held on during the boring era, congrats! Sell on the hype and wait. Until next time.

There's fiat, then there's BITCOIN

2011-06-12 16:24:43 by AND-BUTTCOIN-TOO

The highly-renowned, oft-cited "Breath-of-Fresh-Air Alternative to Calamitous Fiat Paper"
just crashed 30% (THIRTY PERCENT) last week.
Thirty-fucking-percent crash, in ONE DAY.
And we thought the U.S. Dollar was in trouble.
"We did it guys, we caused the bitcoin crash!"
"Give yourselves a round of applause! All your tweets and twats and whatnot about this site apparently brought down the entire market! Currency of the future indeed!"

Make tons of money selling bitcoin

2013-09-04 04:55:30 by btcannamazar

Bit coin s HOT right now. I can show you how I made over 100,000 selling and buying it with some sly techniques. I have developed a foolproof system and will guide you into the business. For my detailed guide send .25 bit coin to this btc address: 1EaJYNLaR7mPZgy1AiMtsAEMNqD12Beegt then email me at for a detailed 10 page guide that will make you at least 30 dollars on your first sale! Act now! This bubble could burst any day.

Dude it's NEVER GOING TO MAKE IT as a currency

2013-11-17 23:19:43 by wheelbarrow-of-marks

Today alone the price fluctuated by about $125 dollars.
You people are on freaking drugs. It's annoying to think there are people that stupid.
I'm astonished that a rational person would think that a currency that fluctuates from $467 to $607 in ONE DAY is going to pass as a medium of exchange.
"Here Sammy, 8 hours of work at $20 per hour, we owe you $160, I'll transfer you 1/3 of a bitcoin to you. However that might drop to 1/10 of a bitcoin by the time you get it."
"I'm going to go buy food and on the way my currency will increase by $125 and the grocery store will be cool with the uncertainty about the highly untable 'money' I'm trying to coerce them into accepting."

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