Bitcoin wiki Myths

It’s a crying shame that the general public is so stupid about Bitcoin. I
hear the video author explain the same thing over and over and over. Yet,
he gets the same questions each and every time as if the answers will
somehow be different.

Look people! The answers will not change! If you ask the same stupid
questions then the answers will remain the same. I guarantee it.

Just treat Bitcoin as if were a matter of your financial life or death.
Which it may be considering what the Federal Reserve is all about. Go to
weusecoins and study this thing to death! Just do your homework for a

If aliens came down right now they would think that we’re all too stupid to
even interact with. I do not want them to leave me here with you people if

Myth: It's a giant ponzi scheme

2014-03-22 11:27:34 by -

It's a giant ponzi scheme
In a Ponzi Scheme, the founders persuade investors that they’ll profit. Bitcoin does not make such a guarantee. There is no central entity, just individuals building an economy.
A ponzi scheme is a zero sum game. In a ponzi scheme, early adopters can only profit at the expense of late adopters, and the late adopters always lose. Bitcoin has an expected win-win outcome. Early and present adopters profit from the rise in value as Bitcoins become better understood and in turn demanded by the public at large. All adopters benefit from the usefulness of a reliable and widely-accepted decentralized peer-to-peer currency

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