Bitcoin gateway
One big reason is security. My father used to run a bodega in NYC when I was a kid. He always tells me about all the times he got robbed. You eliminate cash and you eliminate these kinds of problems for merchants. Believe me, these small businesses that you see on the news lately are not accepting bitcoins because it is the "new thing, " They are doing it because it makes sense for them. Less internal theft from employees and they don't lose all of their on-hand cash if they get robbed. This example can be provided for taxi drivers as well as any other business that deals with cash.
Cost effective. What business is going to turn down a payment gateway that lets them keep more of their hard earned money? None will. No one can argue this point and it does not matter if that business is even a bank. Sometimes when you send money from one country to another, there are intermediary banks that charge the other banks a fee just for being in the middle.
Less time consuming and less mistakes. Meet Tracy, she is a new waitress at the Ripple Lounge Cafe and she is tending a table with five people, each paying separately; some with cash and some with debit. The chances that tracy will under or over charge are much higher in a scenario like this than if everyone was paying with digital currencies. Plus, it would be quicker and that means that Tracy could wait on more tables and earn more tips.
Ripple Lab is slowly building this infrastructure and putting all the pieces together to make it happen. When you read about them hiring more business developers and also talking about partnering with financial institutions, this tells me that it is in the works. It will start with one bank and one business, then it will snowball from there. One day there will be a ripple / bitcoin gateway in every country and people will be able to send money to each each other without much hassle and very cheaply.