Bitcoin gambling sites

Gambling with bitcoins is still fairly new,and here at Bitcoin Reviewer we’d like to give you some tips on how to use your hard earned BTC wisely.

Gambling has been a part of human society since the beginning. Take for example that the oldest six sided dice dates back to 3000 B.C. It hasn’t changed much over the centuries and neither have people. It’s important to always be aware of potential swindlers and other pitfalls.

So,what’s the difference?

There are only some slight differences between gambling with regular money and bitcoin. These differences mostly revolve around the cryptocurrency’s new and unique nature. Even though not much has changed,even seasoned veterans may need a reminder of what can go wrong,and how to bet responsibly. Otherwise,the same general wisdom and common sense applies online as it would in Macau or Las Vegas.

The biggest difference between bitcoin casinos and their traditional counterparts is a very clear lack of red tape. Cryptocurrency itself is still very new,and there are no enforced regulations or certifying officials. This creates a lot of really great potential for gamers and entrepreneurs,but with this new freedom comes an increased need to be mindful of scammers and charlatans. The unofficial name of the game is online reputation.

Finding a legitimate bitcoin casino

This may seem a bit obvious,but this point is an important one. The reputation of any casino is the first thing to take into account before playing. There are not many established names in the industry quite yet. There are,without a doubt,honest and trustworthy sites in which to bet,but for now,some increased level of awareness is recommended.

A good way of verifying the reputation of a site is through Bitcoin Reviewer. We are dedicated to making an active effort in investigating the validity of claims,and to provide first hand experiences of the entire process. There are without a doubt a good variety of honest sites,but sometimes reviews alone are not enough.

Personal trust and comfort are a big factor as well. When choosing a place to spend your time,make sure the look and feel is right. Read into each casino’s website,and make sure you’re comfortable spending time and money there. You will also want to look into funding your account once you’ve decided where you’re going to play.


Funding a newly created online account is one of the most important steps,and there are some things to remember when doing so. Ensure that you have the right addresses for depositing and withdrawing funds. Sometimes deposit addresses for online accounts may change or expire. Be sure to only auto-deposit funds into your own wallet to avoid losing funds.


Bitcoin makes online gambling easy

2014-03-07 07:27:09 by -

Gamblers Wager Billions On Unregulated Bitcoin Betting Sites
Transaction costs are extremely low, meaning it doesn’t cost a lot to send and receive coins. Transactions are also irreversible. Once you send Bitcoins to someone else, you can’t request them back in exchange for returning the service or good you purchased. For gambling operators, this irreversibility eliminates the risk of chargeback fraud.
The benefits of doing business in Bitcoins have been a boon for 34-year-old professional poker player Bryan Micon, the chairman of Bitcoin poker site The site, Micon estimates, has done about 20,000 transactions over its 2

The Raisin-Brained She-bopp-Shammariffic BITCOIN

2013-05-31 20:06:27 by HEAD-SCRATCHING-MEECES

"The FBI pointed out:
"It is a violation of federal law for individuals…to create private coin or currency systems to compete with the official coinage and currency of the United States.”
"This is correct. There is a law on the books, 18 U.S.C. § 1960: Prohibition of unlicensed money transmitting businesses. It states:
“Whoever knowingly conducts, controls, manages, supervises, directs, or owns all or part of an unlicensed money transmitting business, shall be fined in accordance with this title or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both

You can buy "stuff"...

2013-03-28 15:33:00 by bh7

6 Internet & Mobile services
6.1 Bitcoin-related
6.2 Connectivity
6.3 Design
6.3.1 Creative
6.3.2 Web
6.3.3 Art
6.4 Web Hosting
6.5 Dedicated/Virtual Server Hosting
6.6 Domain Name and DNS Hosting
6.7 Email
6.8 VoIP/SMS
6.9 Security Services
6.10 Mobile App Development
6.11 Productivity
6.12 Other
7 Online products
7.1 Search Engines
7.2 Cloud Providers and Services
7.3 Software
7.4 Education-related Software
7.5 Gambling
7.6 Games
7.7 Graphic design
7.8 File sharing
7.9 Music

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