Bitcoin options

Payza and BitcoinPayza has started actively exploring different possibilities of integrating the Bitcoin cryptocurrency into its online payment platform. “We have a distinct vision of how we would like to incorporate Bitcoins into our platform, ” said Ali Nizameddine, Executive VP of Product and Technology at Payza.

“The option that is most appealing is to allow our members to purchase Bitcoins with funds in their secure Payza accounts and to allow them to store their Bitcoins in their Payza ewallets or to transfer them to another wallet service. Also, merchants that process payments using Payza would be able to easily add the option to accept Bitcoin payments without the need to incorporate other payment gateways” Nizameddine added. “That is what we are currently trying to achieve, but the actual service offered will depend on the partnerships we forge and the regulations of the countries in which we operate.”

Further to these goals, Ferhan Patel, Payza’s Director of Global Risk and Compliance, recently attended Bitcoin 2014, the world’s largest annual Bitcoin conference, held this year in Amsterdam. “It’s clear to us that cryptocurrencies in general, and Bitcoin specifically, should not be ignored, ” said Patel. “As a company in the e-payments space, Payza has a responsibility to explore the option of incorporating relevant cryptocurrencies into our platform.”

Patel noted that there are obvious hurdles that need to be navigated before Bitcoins can become available through the Payza platform. “Governing bodies around the world are still deciding how to treat Bitcoins. Are they property, are they currency? It’s still not clear. And the regulations in one territory won’t necessarily carry over to another. This is certainly an issue for Payza since we offer services in over 190 countries. First and foremost we must respect each country’s laws concerning Bitcoin.”

If bitcoin has a contract with gov't

2014-03-09 11:13:36 by AgedSage

They can regulate the activities under the terms of that specific contract.
they don't have to make physical bitcoins, they can just get a contract to help manage the lot of the poor people and give them access to internet commerce through bitcoins
I am poor, I am at the crossroads now
two options going forward
1 - internet access, use and a chance to get solvent or
2 - no internet at all and no chance at all of escaping poverty.

Overstock CEO: Why we're accepting bitcoins

2014-01-08 07:20:29 by - has become the first major online shopping retailer to commit to accepting the digital currency bitcoin as payment in exchange for any of our million products. We are doing this for both business and philosophical reasons.
First, the business reasons: There are large numbers of holders of bitcoin who are eager to patronize firms that will accept this form of payment, but so far, their options have been limited. I believe that by being the first major online retailer to accept bitcoin, we will tap into a significant group of loyal consumers, and as a result our share of the overall market will grow

A highly-sought feature of Bitcoin: out of touch

2014-02-12 23:23:37 by of-any-Government

"Canada’s Finance Minister Prepares to Regulate Bitcoin"Feb 13, 2014 at 05:04 | Danny Bradbury
"Get ready, Canadian bitcoin advocates: you're about to be regulated."
"Signals are emerging that Canada is about to tighten its grip on bitcoin and other decentralized digital currencies. The country’s finance minister Jim Flaherty singled out bitcoin by name in his federal budget today, and announced forthcoming laws that would regulate it."
"Options that the agency may be considering include an potential plan to “choke bitcoins oxygen” [sic] by denying Canadians access to foreign exchange markets, said reports

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