Bitcoin botnet

Watch Dogs Bitcoin Mining BotnetBut this, this is a much better target audience – gamers with high powered GPUs! Especially as this is one of most hyped ‘next-gen’ games for 2014 (yes I’ve been eagerly awaiting it for my PS4). But pirating Watch Dogs via a torrent from popular warez group SkidRow could make you part of a Bitcoin mining botnet!

Tens of thousands of pirate gamers have been enslaved in a Bitcoin botnet after downloading a cracked copy of popular game Watch Dogs.

A torrent of the infected title, which supposedly has had its copy-protection removed, had almost 40, 000 active users (seeders and leachers) and was downloaded a further 18, 440 times on 23 May on one site alone.

Pirates reported on internet forums that the torrent package masquerading under the popular torrent brand SkidRow had quietly installed a Bitcoin miner along with a working copy of the game.

The Windows miner ran via two executables installed in the folder AppData\Roaming\OaPja and would noticeably slow down lower performance machines sucking up to a quarter of CPU power.

Most sources have removed the offending torrent. Analysis has yet to be done to determine the location or identities of actors behind the attack.

It seems like it was a massively popular torrent, so the infection could easily reach tens of thousands of pirate gamers, which would then turn into a Bitcoin mining botnet with tens of thousands of users (A fairly profitable proposition, even with the current Bitcoin mining difficulty).

It’s also slightly ironic that the tagline for the game is “Everything is connected” as if you pirate it, everyone is the botnet. And of course the fact it’s a game about ‘hacking’ – although I haven’t played it yet and the reports of the hacking part aren’t great.

Gamers were choice targets for Bitcoin mining malefactors because they often ran high-end graphical processing units (GPUs) and shunned resource-draining anti-virus platforms.

It will be a homboe-sommy

2014-02-28 11:56:32 by AND-THEN----

Don Mattrick will use the botnet he covertly created by placing rooters (look it up) by placing rooters in every Xbox.
DON MATTRICK: "Here's the deal, I created the Xbox, then I turned ZNGA into a $125-per-share stock and made several people rich."
MATTRICK: "I'm taking over the money supply, in fact I've alREADy taken over the money supply."
MATTRICK: "I got you dumbasses hooked on bitcoin. I have all the keys. Well I have most of the key, Karpeles has about 6% that he stole from his own company

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