Bitcoin 6990 mining

(skip to the “INSTRUCTIONS” section if you already know the basics)


For those of you interested in getting into GPU-based mining (i.e. crypto-currency mining using video cards rather than ASIC or FPGA devices), this article may be of interest to you, especially if you are using the AMD Radeon HD 6990 hardware. It does not matter which brand version it is either. Be it Sapphire, XFX, Asus, etc, this article should give you some insight, and possibly some shortcuts for your process.


You say, “But dude, it’s too late to get into GPU mining. That ship has sailed.” Well, that’s true if all you care about is the short-game. If your mindset is ‘I have to make a BitCoin within a month or less’ then you might want to tune-out now. If you are like me, and value money to the extent of pocketing pennies you find on the street, then this article is for you. You have to start thinking in decimals, not whole numbers. Who cares if it’d take you three months to make a BitCoin, that’s not the goal in my mind. In short, to me anyway, money is money. Think of crypto currencies like stocks, but in a more volatile tech-minded arena. Their marketplace is not the NYSE or DOW, but rather the Internet, a decentralized area of public domain. If you are at familiar with forex (foreign currency exchange) or commodity trading, this is a similar form of that, but with currencies backed by an algorithm and a decentralized community of miners, rather than any government bank or financial institution. The nitty-gritty details can be a bit complex to understand, but this article is not here to address that; there are already many sources on the Internet that can give you that information. You also do not need to be a crypto-currency subject matter expect to understand this article. Long story short, let’s get on with it.

Bitcoin 6990M

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