Bitcoin to cash anonymous

You may have heard of Bitcoin being used in the Silk Road illegal marketplace to buy drugs.
But how often do you hear about cash being used?

S$1, 759 in cash was found on the suspected drug trafficker.
Can't wait to see some headlines like "Cash used in illegal drug ring",or opinion pieces like "Singapore Dollars support Crime",or how about "Anonymous Cash Transactions Fuel the Drug Trade".

Have some headlines you'd like to share?
Post them in the comments section.


The Features I LIKE Most About Bitcoin Are the

2013-12-10 11:25:59 by OBXer

Facts that it is "anonymous" and " superbly portable" ... But so is cash of any sort.
On the other hand, the possibilities for fraud, corruption of the system, manipulation of the relative value, and the possibility of it just getting "wiped out electronicly" in your computer or storage device, leads me to prefer other hedges such as bullion or jewelry which are physically in possession in a "hard" form. These are also anonymous, portable, and historically accepted as universally or more universally, than bitcoin.
Basically, it's the fact that with bullion, you have "something" as opposed to "nothing" with bitcoin

Bitcoin is a newly emerging currency

2011-06-13 17:22:48 by causeimthesquid

It seems really cool. Its a completely decentralized electronic system.
So, it is a currency that is entirely electronic. It is encrypted and because it is digital it is infinitely divisible. Trades between parties can be as anonymous as you like, in fact, the relation between the buyer and seller isn't divulged unless you want it to be (its as secret as cash).
There is an algorith... to promulgate the expansion of the bitcoin currency, which is essentially digital mining. Every ten minutes a new bitcoin is rewarded based on a lottery system; the winner is the CPU that can first submit the correct numerical code (all of which is done through algorithms and processors)

Things to know about Bitcoins.

2013-11-13 08:12:09 by -

Bitcoins are good for one person sending money to another person, from anywhere, to anywhere, without having to pay a fee.
Similarly, a person can travel from country A to country B and still have all their bitcoins available. Typically, when refugees have fled a country, the've had to leave everything behind - this is no longer the case with bitcoins.
Bitcoins are also good for protecting savings from being devalued by central bankers (and/or the Federal Reserve), or government printing presses (like in the case of Zimbabwe, or 1930's Germany).

Or you could just hand him cash, then

2014-02-27 08:31:27 by crazee_unchained

You wouldn't have to wait 10 minutes for the transaction to confirm
the transaction would be anonymous and wouldn't be recorded
you wouldn't BOTH need internet access, a computer and a bitcoin app
and you'd be transferring something of actual value (dollars)
rather than a worthless "virtual number" created by a scammer

Bitcoins to CashU

Bitcoin to Cash Converter

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