Bitcoin 6950 overclock

UPDATEI did some more tweaking on it this morning, and it's looking like I've got 1000MHz core 1575MHz memory fully stable @ 1.340V/1.606V. Due to a ~12°C drop in core temp at full load(from ~79°C to ~67°C). It's a wonder what a little properly applied high quality TIM will get you sometimes . I guess I should have started there first. Before going and putting my foot in my mouth. Since I'm right back to square one now. So you can disregard pretty much everything I said so far in this thread in regards to:

1. How high this card will OC(core and memory).

2. The effectiveness of the OCP mods(core and memory), the switching frequency mod, and adding the capacitor for the memory.

3. How many volts it takes to get what, and how hot it gets while doing it.

4. Which pcb version is better for what.

5. Anything else I'm about to prove wrong in the next 8 hour benching session.

PS, did the mem OCP mod while I was in there. Which, as it turns out, I was wrong about too. As in, it's exactly the same as pcb ver. 1.0. So we'll see how that goes. Might end up needing that extra 38A on the 12V rail in the end as well. Who knows?

PPS, I don't suppose my E8600 is going to break too many 6950 bench records. Atleast not until I could get the thing running at a good and healthy 6.5GHz or so. Which I've not got the mobo for at the moment... Even then it's a pretty big maybe.

PPPS, this card has had an Accelero Mono Plus on it since I bought it a couple weeks ago(ebay). Meaning, I've been able to do almost any potential hardmods to it without having to remove it. Excluding the mem OCP mod, where I had to remove it and the stock memory heat spreader.

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