Bitcoin genetic AI trade
The goal of this minimod is not to make any sweeping changes - just do the least necessary to make the game balanced and fix unfun mechanics.
I sometimes feel I do more balance playtesting of my minimod than Paradox does of their patches (as in - some is more than zero).
New changes in this version
- Coalitions - previous versions of the mod removed them,but I'm going to keep them this time. AE levels got totally rebalanced,and they seem to be much less excessive,so it might be worth a try. If they turn out to be still broken,AE could be tweaked,or they could just go away completely again.
- Free relations increased from 4 to 8 (previously 6),all bonuses which got nerfed from +2 to +1 in the patch back to +2. Even increased it was pretty low,and the patch makes acquiring and keeping vassals more expensive than before.
- Diploannexation costs reduced from completely ridiculous 15/bt to 1/bt
- Cost to move primary trade port reduced from 300 to 100 dip,mostly because so many countries start with misplaced trade ports (and moving capital is only 200 adm)
- No diplovassalization base tax cap - since penalty is quadratic in size,it's very hard to abuse this.
- Muscovy/Russia does not get free colonist from national ideas. They got massive boost by annexing Perm a lot faster,which ends up in them colonizing all of Siberia much earlier than in previous patches. This somewhat balances that out,but even with the nerf Muscovy is still way too strong way too early.
- You don't need any idea groups to reform tribal government,just 200 adm,90 legitimacy,and +3 stability. Forming Mughals / Qing / Persia also reverted to not require reformed tribal government. It was already extremely hard for AI to do that.
- Pirates who annoyed me so much are no longer there,replaced by the new privateer system! (well,if you have all the DLCs at least)
What I couldn't fix about the new patch
I wanted to make diploannexation to take longer (that why I want it cheap and with high limit - so you keep more vassals longer instead of mass annexing them ASAP),but that's hardcoded. This isn't really a huge deal,and if annexing vassals turns out to be too easy vassal annexed diplomatic penalty can simply be tweaked higher to make things right.I also wanted to allow wider selection of rivals,but that's hardcoded as well. I really like power projection system,the only problem with it is how narrow and forced rival selection is. If you could choose from more potential rivals,it would be really good,but right now it only gets halfway there.
Previous changes
Detailed explanation in older posts - 1.5.0,1.5.1.