GeForce 6150 Bitcoin

DSCF0437.jpgWell, i've opened up my front panel, and revealed the circuit PCB that has all the ports on it. there is obvious evidence of same ground crap with the USB and the Audio jack shielding.The above picture is an overall view of the underside of the board. you should be able to make it out what is USB and what is audio.

what i can do, is either cut the ground on the PCB with a dremel, (EDIT: maybe not dremel, just an xacto knife or something, cant really dremel things that small.) (not any leads, just the metal within the PCB surface) adn if that doesnt work, i'll unsolder the audio jacks and cut off the leads that were grounded. Thank you all for your input. i'll update this thread with my successes for archival purposes.

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