Bitcoin Gawker

Everyone Wants Bitcoins After Learning They Can Buy Drugs With ThemAbove is a chart of the exchange rate, in dollars, of the digital currency Bitcoin. That red arrow shows the price on Wednesday afternoon right after we published a story about Silk Road, a Bitcoin-powered online marketplace where you can easily buy illegal drugs. In the past 48 hours alone, a Bitcoin's worth has jumped from around $9.90 to around $14.

The Bitcoin market is notoriously volatile, and it's all but certain that there's a Bitcoin bubble. If anything, the revelations about Silk Road have delayed the popping of the bubble now that folks realize there's actually something you can do with the stuff besides buying alpaca socks and web design services. You're welcome!

No but you can use them to pay for different

2012-02-26 17:17:45 by unkie

Things online.. also occupy wall street movement received anonymous donations sent via bitcoin, totaling almost $1MM.
gawker did an article on it:
also new yorker and wired magazines have done stories on this.. pretty interesting concept. i got into after reading the new yorker article last year...

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