Bitcoin Farming wiki

You’ve probably read some sensational news stories about Bitcoin mining,I know I have .However,I had lunch with a buddy last month in Tulsa and it really altered my view on Bitcoin mining. I already had an abstract idea about random people out there using CPU/GPU computing power to generate blocks to continue the growth of Bitcoins,what I didn’t realize was that my buddy knew a guy that was sinking big bucks into a personal Bitcoin farm…

Note: more info on the basics of what Bitcoin mining is:

This lunch occurred on my last trip to Tulsa to install a new server at the datacenter. My favorite techie there usually takes me out to lunch. This time he told me about a friend and (potential client of the datacenter) that had a 30 system bitmining operation going on and that had apparently been making a lot of cash money with it.

The friend needed more power to feed his machines,which is no surprise considering the power hungry video cards that are best at Bitcoin mining. As most people involved in server farms or datacenters will tell you,power usage (and having a reliable power source) is a very important issue! We didn’t know how the recent Bitcoin crash had affected the local mining operations but it definitely piqued out interest.

Since that lunch I have been meaning to learn a bit more about Bitcoins. Here are some preliminary links that I hope will help you too if you are interested in the topic. I will also try to find out more about the friend that invested so heavily in Bitcoin mining!

#1 My favorite Bitcoin site so far: a bitcoin blog that is fun and informative

Here’s the link to a fun blog with cool Bitcoin posts and examples of real world systems and their performance (benchmarks) as well as plenty of examples of the energy used and heat generated by these systems:

Bitcoin Miner mine for Bitcoin. I show what I run under the hood and what others who mine Bitcoin are up to. I’m also on Twitter,follow @BitcoinMiner

#2 GPUs are best for Bitcoin mining

And AMD video cards (GPUs) are the BEST hardware for mining bitcoins,better than CPUs,better than NVIDIA… and here an explanation as to why:

I was a bit sad after finding this out,as I have a number of relatively high-end systems and servers with fast multi-core CPUs. Alas,most of my video cards are not the highest end parts and a lot of them are NVIDIA :-( So,very little likelihood of me putting spare resources to use…

Quoted from the wiki:

Bitcoin Miners wiki

Bitcoin "farming"

Bitcoin mining rig wiki

Bitcoin API net

Bitcoin mining wiki