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How bitcoin miners work | Coins charts hash

How bitcoin miners work

casascius coinHello there, and congratulations! If you’re reading this article you are in the process of taking the first step toward buying, selling, and saving the first and largest cryptocurrency in the world, bitcoin. I’m going to divide this article into two sections. If you already know what bitcoin is and you are ready to get started, then feel free to skip to the second section. If this is your first time using the currency, then I highly suggest reading the full article. Understanding what you are working with is just as important as knowing how to work with it.

What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is the world’s first cryptocurrency. A cryptocurrency is something that cannot be held in one’s hand. As the name suggests, it is based on cryptography and exists entirely on the Internet. You cannot walk down to the store and hand over 1 BTC and get some change in return. What you can do however, is use it to buy and sell online, gamble, and invest. The currency was created in 2009 by a developer known by the pseudonym ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’.

Bitcoin first came into the world’s eye in early 2013, when the value spiked from $20 in February to $200 in April. The value plummeted almost immediately, hitting eighty dollars before balancing out around a hundred dollar value until October of 2013. In October, its value began to climb exponentially, going from a hundred dollars to well over a thousand in the space of a month. Since then, the cryptocurrency’s value has fluctuated wildly, gaining and losing hundreds of dollars in a single day. Many investors have made profit off its wild price swings.

You can use it in the BitcoinLiveBets sportsbook, or try Satoshi Poker. The possibilities are endless.

Bitcoin mining

The process of generating bitcoins, or ‘mining’ rewards users for securing the network. Your computer would solve complex algorithms to mine a block of a set number of BTC, which halves every 210, 000 blocks mined. The network rules are such that the difficulty is adjusted to keep block production to roughly 1 block every 10 minutes. This means that as more miners are competing to solve a block, the harder it is to actually succeed.

Since it would be extremely difficult to mine all by yourself (solo mine), you can team up with other users through a group known as a pool. Any rewards your pool manages to receive will be divided amongst the users according to how much they contributed. Although you can use a standard graphics card, you will likely have to purchase a specialized mining device known as an ASIC for maximum profit.

I'm now $0.02 USD richer. Thx Bitcoin!

2013-11-22 17:12:04 by Boilerplate

From other links:
Accept Bitcoin with BitPay
Accept payments from anywhere.*
No chargebacks, ever.
No volatility risk.
Settle in cash.
*In the Universe.
Bitcoin Mining
Perhaps the best way to describe Bitcoin mining to the layman would be to say that it is somewhat like a cross between the California Gold Rush and the lottery. No one is given Bitcoins per se. You've got to earn them

The math provides a way to prevent...

2014-02-25 09:37:37 by -

..double spending.
Suppose I sent you 10.5 BTC and turned around and sent that same 10.5 BTC to somebody else (perhaps one of my own wallet addresses)?
Who does it belong to?
The answer to that question depends on the Bitcoin blockchain.
Typically, the second transaction will get rejected by the entire network.
There may be cases where approximately half of the network thinks the coins belong to you, and the rest of the Bitcoin network thinks the 10.5 BTC belongs to the other address.
At this point, we say the blockchain has "forked"

Power usage/cost and mining

2013-03-27 11:07:23 by -

I found this quote earlier and though i would share. it seems that there is a point where the cost of bitcoin mining outweighs the benefit.
"I've done some testing. I tried to create conditions for success.
1. I had handy an M18 R2 - with dual 7970s.
2. I work a lot of hours and my kit is used by my employer. In trade off I use some juice for testing.
3. CPU bitcoining is worthless - just forget about it totally. Anyone telling you that only high power GPUs, FPGAs or ASICs offer a return are correct, and thats before ever discussing power.
4. I am vaguly able to generate 0

Bitcoin Miners wiki

Bitcoin Mining Works

Bitcoin mining ASIC

Bitcoin Infowars

How does Bitcoin mining work?