1. http://blogs-images.forbes.com/samanthasharf/files/2014/02/300px-Bitcoin1.png => уже была
  2. http://b-i.forbesimg.com/kashmirhill/files/2014/01/Real-bitcoins-300x22411.jpg => уже была
  3. http://blogs-images.forbes.com/jessecolombo/files/2014/02/10306171483_92bc65323e_m.jpg => уже была
  4. http://b-i.forbesimg.com/thumbnails/blog_1104/pt_1104_16917_o.jpg?t=1381246617 =>
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Line: 134

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Line: 1681

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File: /home/admin/domains/bitcointalk.org/public_html/code/utils.php
Line: 924

Bitcoin to dollar value | Coins charts hash

Bitcoin to dollar value

online.wsj.com / LAWRENCE PARKS / June 1, 2014 6:26 p.m. ET

The IRS treats bitcoins as property, and any transaction using them triggers a taxable event.

is a fascinating and ingenious technology, but most promoters are mindful of neither the monetary nor the tax issues. For all practical purposes IRS regulations issued in March preclude bitcoins from being used as an alternative currency.

The IRS treats bitcoins as property. The result is that transactions trigger a taxable event. Buyers incur a tax liability for the difference in dollars between what they paid for a bitcoin when they acquired it and the dollar value attributed to the bitcoin when they…

The value of bitcoin needs to stabilise

2013-11-21 06:00:12 by GreyMule

Feb. 2012: $5 per bitcoin
Nov. 2013: over $600 per bitcoin
that would be great if you bought it at 5 dollars per bitcoin and now be worth over 600 dollars
but what if the scale went the other way?
now the 600 dollars you invested in bitcoin is only worth 5 dollars
i like the idea of an alternative to the US Dollar but whatever it is going to be is going to have to stabilize and be secure, and until then i refuse to buy in to it

Bitcoin is only as valuable as people agree

2013-11-18 08:31:25 by FrankLloydWrong

They are via trade in them. They are no more valuable or value-less than any other currency. It's value is not intrinsic and is only as valuable as others perceive it to be
The first bitcoins sold for about 1200 (twelve-hundred bitcoins) to the dollar. What is ONE single bitcoin valued at today?
This could just as easily go the other way and crash to worthlessness
Look up the Dutch "tulip wars"

The US Dollar is no longer to Go-To currency

2013-03-19 10:18:20 by Dead-bug

When you need to convert to some other currency to preserve your wealth. People all over Europe that use the EURO are converting it to Bitcoins instead of US Dollars. This can be seen as the the value of Bitcoins are screaming higher in all other currencies.
Turmoil in Cyprus Over a Bailout Rattles Europe
Bitcoin Converter

Bitcoin is a test to see how intellectually weak

2014-02-25 21:45:31 by we-are-for-an-invasion

The NSA designed this.
The plan was to assess the percentage of the population who would double-down on a phony failure of a 'currency.'
The fact that there are still many idiots who are wasting their money on this stuff despite the $400,000,000 Four Hundred Million-dollar loss yesterday -- and the repeated recoveries of its price -- has told the NSA the following:
1). "This current society will be easy to take over and plunder -- we've stolen hundreds of millions and they keep feeding the thing more of their money. If they don't value their own money, their work-derived sustenance, they will be easy to 'break' and 're-educate' as we take over their countries

Bitcoin to dollar calculator

Bitcoin to Dollar Conversion

Bitcoin to USD PayPal

Bitcoin to USD value

Bitcoin to Dollar chart